+356 99 79 8383
Nyks Cross Cut

Nyks Cross Cut‘s structure which is formed with unique beige tonnes turns into a perfect product by integration of soft colour transition. Nyks Cross Cut is the first of the options to create classy spaces.

Product Options: 30*60,60*60, Special
Color Options: Beige
+356 99 79 8383

Test Results

Physical ParametersUnitRangeAvarage Value
Strach hardness according to Mohs scaleMohs-3
Real densitykg/m3-2.695
Dry unit weightgr/cm32.14-2.312.28
Saturated unit weightgr/cm32.37-2.412.39
Water absorption at atmospheric pressure(%)4.01-4.894.52
Absorption by volume(%)9.36-11.1210.41
Apparent porosity(%)9.36-11.1210.41
Total porosity(%)13.43-15.5814.54
Water absorption coefficient by capillarityg/m2.s0.5--
Capillarity water absorption(%)3.31-4.163.81
Vertical abrasion resistancemm17.95-27.8723.57
Reaction to fireClass-A1
Mechanical ParametersUnitValuesAvarage Value
Uniaxial compressive strength (dry)MPa36.52-69.0953.98
Uniaxial compressive strength (saturated)MPa30.76-42.4636.98
Uniaxial compressive strength after freezingMPa31.11-38.2632.54
Flexural strength under concentrated loadMPa6.73-10.799.5
Flexural strength under constant momentMpa6.74-9.788.12
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, polished surface, ps)-68-7468
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, polished surface vs)-60-6462
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, honed surface, ps)-62-6664
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, honed surface vs)-64-6865
ps: parallel skid, vs: vertical skid
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