+356 99 79 8383
Serik Beige Marble

Serik Beige Marble’s whole-coloured and excellent surface texture allows you to design perfect spaces. Offers various options for use indoors and outdoors by several sizes and finishes


Product Options: 30*60,60*60, Special
Color Options: Beige
+356 99 79 8383

Test Results

Physical ParametersUnitRangeAvarage Value
Strach hardness according to Mohs scaleMohs-3
Real densitykg/m3-2.722
Dry unit weightgr/cm32.642-2.7092.679
Saturated unit weightgr/cm32.644-2.7162.684
Water absorption at atmospheric pressure(%)0.124-0.2380.186
Absorption by volume(%)0.242-0.3940.367
Apparent porosity(%)0.242-0.3940.367
Total porosity(%)0.672-1.6341.341
Water absorption coefficient by capillarityg/m2.s0.5--
Vertical abrasion resistancemm14.50-14.7214.60
Reaction to fireClass-A1
Mechanical ParametersUnitValuesAvarage Value
Uniaxial compressive strength (dry)MPa56.80-91.6275.4
Uniaxial compressive strength (saturated)MPa74.43-136.6495.08
Uniaxial compressive strength after freezingMPa--
Flexural strength under concentrated loadMPa5.88-15.0411.35
Flexural strength under constant momentMpa6.26-14.1910.99
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