Nyks Vein Cut

Nyks Vein Cut which presents layers of nature, discovers impressive surfaces in modern and classic spaces. Provides you to feel nature around, by reflecting perfect harmony of beige colour tonnes.

Test Results

Physical ParametersUnitRangeAvarage Value
Strach hardness according to Mohs scaleMohs-3
Real densitykg/m3-2.695
Dry unit weightgr/cm32.14-2.312.28
Saturated unit weightgr/cm32.37-2.412.39
Water absorption at atmospheric pressure(%)4.01-4.894.52
Absorption by volume(%)9.36-11.1210.41
Apparent porosity(%)9.36-11.1210.41
Total porosity(%)13.43-15.5814.54
Water absorption coefficient by capillarityg/m2.s0.5--
Capillarity water absorption(%)3.31-4.163.81
Vertical abrasion resistancemm17.95-27.8723.57
Reaction to fireClass-A1
Mechanical ParametersUnitValuesAvarage Value
Uniaxial compressive strength (dry)MPa36.52-69.0953.98
Uniaxial compressive strength (saturated)MPa30.76-42.4636.98
Uniaxial compressive strength after freezingMPa31.11-38.2632.54
Flexural strength under concentrated loadMPa6.73-10.799.5
Flexural strength under constant momentMpa6.74-9.788.12
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, polished surface, ps)-68-7468
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, polished surface vs)-60-6462
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, honed surface, ps)-62-6664
Slip Resistance (Dry condition, honed surface vs)-64-6865
ps: parallel skid, vs: vertical skid   
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