White Gold Marble

White Gold Marble’s whole-coloured and excellent surface texture allows you to design perfect spaces. Offers various options for use indoors and outdoors by several sizes and finishes.


Test Sonuçları

Physical ParametersUnitRangeAvarage Value
Strach hardness according to Mohs scaleMohs-3
Real densitykg/m3-2.713
Dry unit weightgr/cm32.62-2.672.66
Saturated unit weightgr/cm32.63-2.682.67
Water absorption at atmospheric pressure(%)0.084-0.3310.162
Absorption by volume(%)0.23-0.880.43
Apparent porosity(%)0.23-0.880.43
Total porosity(%)0.31-1.770.97
Water absorption coefficient by capillarityg/m2.s0.5--
Vertical abrasion resistancemm14.00-14.6714.29
Reaction to fireClass-A1
Mechanical ParametersUnitValuesAvarage Value
Uniaxial compressive strength (dry)MPa56.80-91.6275.4
Uniaxial compressive strength (saturated)MPa74.43-136.6495.08
Uniaxial compressive strength after freezingMPa--
Flexural strength under concentrated loadMPa5.88-15.0411.35
Flexural strength under constant momentMpa6.26-14.1910.99
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